Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual assets designed to function as a medium of exchange, just like traditional currencies such as the US dollar or Euro. However, unlike traditional currencies, cryptocurrencies operate independently of central banks, and their value is not backed by a physical commodity or government. Instead, their value is determined by supply and demand in the market.
Cryptocurrencies use blockchain technology to ensure transparency and security in transactions, allowing users to transfer funds quickly and efficiently without intermediaries. Some of the most popular cryptocurrencies include Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. While the use and acceptance of cryptocurrencies are still relatively new, they have gained increasing popularity among investors and are now considered a viable investment option alongside traditional assets such as stocks and bonds.
Crypto Stock Alerts alert you on a minute-by-minute basis based on custom criteria you define such as price alerts, price changes, momentum, technicals, and more.
With Stock Alarm you can set alerts for thousands of cryptos. When your alert triggers you will receive a notification via push notification, email, phone call, or text message.
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